Distress and coma by the awesome ppl of The GazettE

Hi everyone. Okay, so I've been in the gothic lolita fashion for a couple of years now, and even though I don't have much experience, I think I have managed the basics. But one thing I've noticed is that many people mix the gothic lolita fashion with the American Goth looks. These two looks are completly different.

First of all, the gothic lolita fashion doesn't smear black and blue eyeliner all over the eyes. Unless, your going for the Elegant Gothic Lolita look, created by no other than the precious Mana-sama himself, or anything similiar, really dark lips are not common among the gothic lolita style either. The gothic lolita look is basically very young cute and sweet, so since most 9-10 year olds don't wear pounds of eyeliner, powder and lipstick, the gothic lolita style therefore calls for a more natural look.


The make-up should emphasize perfection but it should be natural. If you have pale skin, you have an advantage because the style your basically aiming for is porcelain doll perfect. If you have dark skin, please don't try to use a lighter foundation or powder on your skin to achieve the pale look because it will just end up lookinglike you've dunked your face in a bowl of flour. Cover any blemishes and try to lighten your nose a little to make it look flatter or slimmer if it is not already.

Your eyes should be big and that could mean circle lenses, eyelid glue, and or fake lashes. If you already have big eyes, then you are very very lucky. Basically, you want to look innocent so keep the eyeliner light. Outline the outsides of your bottom eye. What i always do to get bigger eyes is to start from the midpoint of my eye and draw a straightish line until I reach the end of my line. Then I fill it in. But I have really really really small eyes so I tend to need a bit more liner. For your upper eye, I suggest using fake lashes even though I really dont like them because they irritate my eyes. What I do is just use some dark shadow and shade from the bottom of my eyelid to the crease, making it lighter as I go up.I make the ends of my eyes rounded instead of doing a cat's eye. That means that the top lid and bottom lid kinda conntects to form a roundish shape. It looks more innocent this way I think.

For your lips, I personally stain it with black cherries or strawberries or something. I think that it looks more natural if you are careful and give your lips a proper stain. Lip gloss is a bit too unnatural for this but lip tint works very well in this situation if cherries are unavailable. The idea is to give your lips a natural pink red colour....

When you dress up, make sure you cover up. No stomach or leg should be showing and its a good idea to cover up your chest a little. WEAR STOCKINGS. Yes, i love stockings because I'm sensitive about showing my legs....I don't know why though. Wear dark colours like black, dark blue and even dark red. Dark green in my opinion is also a good colour if it is worn properly. remember that you are supposed to be a high class and aristocratic young girl. My personal favourites are poofy skirts and lace gloves. If you do not have a poofy skit, just layer a lot of skirts and put the most lolita one on top. :) Most lolitas prefer Mary Jane shoes but I happen to like really big chunky books that are laced up. Perhaps I'm more Punk Lolita. Indeed if you want to go for a more punky looks, wear chains and skulls. Yes, I always piss off store owners by asking them if they sell things with skulls and chains. They end up staring at me weirdly and not giving me discounts on clothes. But anyways, the main point for Gothic Lolita is to looks young, cute and innocent so I guess Mary Janes are the best choice in this situation even though they are not my favourite. I suggest things with frills and bows in the end because they look cute. Also, teddy bears or creepy looking stuffed animals are a great addition to your outfit. remeber that you still kinda have to look and act dark. Rejoice in misery and smile at tears. Put on a fake demure smile hiding your devilish personality while looking like a cute angel.

Behave with the ettiquette of a lady. Be cleans, wash your hands, use light herbal perfume. Always smile at others and speak with a low voice. Hide your evil side with your sweet looks and charm. Even when someone is rude to you, smile and be polite to them while you plot revenge in your mind. Always have your nails perfectly done in preferablly black or even french manicured. You can always frustrate angry people with your demure smile and childish looks. Always remain calm and collected.

So, those are the basics of the Gothic Lolita fashion. I'm not sure how this turned into a tutorial-ish thing but I'm kinda trying to avoid playing piano here so I'm stalling a little. My mommy thinks's I'm doing work...heehee.

Okay, I've stalled long enough.

Cupcakes and Cyanide,

Kana Junichi